Monday, January 17, 2011

What Kind of Woman Are You?

Are you the kind that faces adventure head on?

Are you the kind that everyone goes to for advice?

Do you take joy in serving those around you?

Are you a mover and a shaker? Or do you add a calm presence to those around you?

Do you know where your gifts lie? The good Lord has gifted each and every one of us with special talents and traits that make us unique. Do we take the time to reflect on what he's given us?  If we don't know what they are, then it is impossible for us to use them to the best of our ability, or to allow Him to use them through us.  And if so, then we are no better than the worker who buried his talent in the ground, waiting for his master to return. (Matt 25:18) How did the Master respond? "You wicked and lazy servant!"  Yikes.

Too many times, instead of celebrating the gifts we've been given, we focus on the ones we wish we had, or the ones the women around us have.  "I am not as outgoing as my roommate," or "I'm not as creative she is." If we spend our time thinking about what we don't have, then we, in a sense, are telling the Lord that we are ungrateful for what He's given us, and that we could have designed ourselves better than he did!  It also creates a temptation to not live in reality, to not truly see ourselves, and in so doing, making it impossible to live out true humility, which is seeing ourselves clearly, as God sees us.  Our strengths and our weaknesses.  

Why do we compare ourselves to others?  What is at the root of this behavior?  Part of it lies in the fact that we look for our dignity and worth in the acceptance of others.  If we truly believed that our dignity and worth lies in our identity as daughters of the King, then it wouldn't matter that I'm not as organized as my roommates, or am not a witty storyteller.  My worth does not come from what I do, but who I am. 

 Ironically, it is only when we realize this that we will be able to do anything well.  The women above knew who they were, and knew the gifts they were given, and in turn used them to become beautiful, dynamic women! And all extremely different.  Flannery O'Connor's gifts were not the same as Mr. Teresa's.  St. Therese had different gifts than St. Gianna. But all of them are honored for being devout, dynamic women.  Take time to reflect on where your gifts lie.  If you are struggling, ask the people who know you best. They often see us more clearly than we see ourselves. 

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